The Bowie Foundation Village of Providence (VOP) is established to provide
extended services to a community in need by offering affordable and/or free assistance and programs to seniors, young adults,
youths and their families to include, but not limited to, the following programs:
a. The VOP Performing Arts Academy, which specializes in after School, weekend and summer programming, began implementing its
services in middle and high schools throughout San Antonio with emphasis on the inner-city districts and is presently
providing services from the old Wilson County Hospital Building in Floresville, Texas and a Performing Arts Youth
Retreat from our own facility, a 10 1/2 acre Ranch about 8 miles east of the Hospital building. The program directs
all youth, with a focus on low-income, at-risk youth, in writing and/or performing musical, dramatic productions and has become
a multi-cultural/ethnic, choral, dramatic, play write group that targets youth in grades K through 12, offering them
opportunities to discover and express themselves through their artistic abilities. The program is designed to assist students
in developing skills in Visual Arts, Music, Drama, Dance and Movement, Video, Backstage Production and Self-Expression. Our
classes will be based on the "character counts" curriculum. At present the program consists of three phases. The first
phase is a general introduction to the various disciplines, after which participants will focus on the discipline(s) of their
choice. The second phase consists of choosing an area of interest to write about from concerns expressed during self-expression,
and writing, revising or adapting a play to perform. During the third phase participants will be learning and rehearsing the
dynamics of presenting the play.
b. Arts In Focus Plays In The Park, which is implemented in partnership
with a community agency and/or school, is a series of plays and performances scheduled for presentation at various community
and city parks, public facilities and participating schools (with future hopes of radio and/or T.V.) involving Arts In Focus
youth. Professional Artist will also be brought in from time to time as mentors and role models for participants and as a
part of our fund raising efforts (recently, the Temptations Motown Showdown Spring Break Concert in Floresville, Texas,
March 11, 2006). This project will introduce youth to the writing and presentation of a sequel of plays with starring
and guest roles and the students will be writing different parts in their own dialogue.
c. "Friday Fest," is a monthly festival of music, dance,
poetry, etc. by program participants and other guest artists, at our own private, outdoor amphitheater with park-like setting,
just outside the city of Floresville, for the surrounding communities, hosted by the Arts In Focus participants.
d. Arts In Focus Nutrition & Wellness Program is implemented to provide
daily, balanced meals, exercise and nutrition classes for youth, seniors and young adults in an effort to create a village-like
atmosphere that will offer youth opportunities to learn appropriate behaviors, establish an identity separate from their families
and to establish closer relationships with peers, young adults and seniors in a healthy, nurturing environment.
e. The Bowie Foundation Parents Assistance Program is a group of parents
and other interested citizens from the community who assist by supporting one another in times of need, assisting with the
implementation of various enrichment projects and field trips involving parents and youth in an effort to enhance and improve
parent/child relationships.
f. The
Golden Village Social Club is open for business, providing services for Wilson County seniors who are
in need of day activities, meals and other services. The social club offers social activities and treatments such as: Art
therapy, Pet therapy, Therapeutic Recreation, Reminiscent therapy, dance therapy, horticulture, music therapy and field trips.
Respites, to assist the primary care givers in the many challenges they face at home, will include "Saturday Family Day,"
"Friday Nights Out" and "Family Focus Groups."
g. The Golden Bridge Community is a program that is projected for
the future, whereby we will offer affordable assisted living to professional, independent seniors who may become a part
of our "Golden Community Volunteer Professionals."